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mollie gave birth 2

23 16:00:23

Hey Richard,

I hope you remember the previous question i asked (2 dalmation mollies, a black mollie, and a guppy in a 10 gallon tank, gave birth...)

The guppy mother died yesterday without giving birth to any more fish.

I'm not really sure what a rearing tank is, so I got some books from the library. However, they do not have very much infromation.

Would it be ok if I simply took the baby fish and put them in a small goldfish bowl? The bowl is problably .5 of a gallon. It will have no light above it, no rocks, and no haeater, but the babys will be alone in it. i could even add a few of the live plants from the 10 gallon tank. Or should i simply leave the fry where they are. And the lettuce in the jar thing is a way of culturing infusoria.

Hey Tyler

I absolutely remember you. A "rearing" tank is simply a fry tank, another 10 gallon tank to put the fry in to allow them to grow without being eaten. A 10 gallon starter kit is about $35 at Walmart and should contain everything you need....tank, hood, filter, heater etc. All you would need to add is some gravel, rocks and plants for plenty of hiding places. A goldfish bowl is not recommended. The babies need warmth and a cover. They have a better chance of survival where they are than in a bowl.

If you're unable to provide another tank, the only other options are a breeder net which hangs inside your main tank, or bushy floating plants to give them hiding places from the other fish.

Hope this helps, good luck!
