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Aquarium Sealing Needed?

25 9:17:06

Hi Chris.  I am setting up a 20 gallon aquarium that I have had in storage for 2 years.  I am in the process of getting it cleaned using hot water and vinegar on the outside components.  When I was wiping out the inside of the aquarium I noticed some of the sealant had come off in some places along the seal.  Should I reseal these areas?  Do I take out all the old sealant and redo the seam?  Whatever info you can give me would be really helpful!

Hi SQ;

I would re-seal only the bad areas. I've done it many times and it works fine. Check all the sealant to be sure no more of it is loose, under the top edge as well. Cut away the loose stuff with a single edge razor blade, as well as one inch beyond the loose area at both ends. Dry the areas thoroughly and apply sealant to them. Fish stores and hardware stores have 100% silicone sealant you can use. Make sure it is "aquarium safe". It will usually say "non-toxic when cured" or something like that. Curing takes 12 to 24 hours and then you can use the tank.

You might want to "test" the tank before you bring it into the house. Put it in a very level dry spot outdoors and fill it up to the top. Be sure to keep the area around the tank dry so you can tell if there is a leak. Leave it there for a couple of hours and if there is no leak, drain it and use it!

Here is an article about it on;

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins