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Tinfoil Barbs mating?

25 9:08:14

Hey, I was watching my tinfoil barbs the other day, and two of them started chasing each other like they always do and then all of a sudden they went beside each other rubbing up against and flapping there bodys against each other, the do this still every once in a while. I have 3 Tinfoil Barbs, 3 Columbian Sharks, 2 Algae eaters, and 1 Pleco if that helps any.. I was wondering if you would be able to explain to me what this is or why they are doing this.

Thank you

Hi Tyler;

They're fighting. It usually doesn't last long though. My bala sharks do it too. They're in the same family. Once in awhile they get stubborn with each other and a fin or two gets torn or split. It heals up and all is fine for a few weeks again. That's just the world of aggressive and semi-aggressive fish.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins