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55 Gallon Aquarium Filter

23 16:48:35

We got a used 55 gal aquarium, and wish to start using it and get rid of our 30 gallon. We need to purchase a reliable filter. So many out there and different types...under gravel, etc. What do the evperts recommend?
Thank You


Congrats on the new bigger aquarium, it's always exciting upgrading to a bigger tank, it gives you so many more prospects!

As for filters, it depends on what fish you are planning on putting in the aquarium. To give you an idea, I have a 55 gallon community tank, in it I have roughly 60 fish including Tetra's, Danio's, Bristlenose Catfish, Clown Loaches, Mollies, a Firemouth and a Convict. In that tank I have an internal filter that pushes through about 1200litres per hour and I have a hang on back filter that does roughly the same. You can get away with one filter in the tank but I prefer to have my tanks over filtered rather than under filtered.

Filter preference is exactly that, personal preference, was you know the filtering requirements your fish need, it comes down to which filter you prefer. Undergravel filters are good but are best used in smaller tanks, rather than larger ones. Internal filters are good and offer good surface agitation. Hang on backs are very popular and do an excellent job of filtering and they offer a smaller surface disturbance with a gentle waterfall effect rather than large bursts of bubbles. Cannisters are excellent if you're planning on putting messy fish in the tank (eg Oscars, tho in a 55 gallon, I wouldn't recommend them).

Also when you do, do the swap over from the 30 gallon to the 55 gallon, make sure you transfer the following from the 30 to the 55 gallon tank:

*Filter that you are currently using in your 30 gallon, use this in addition to any new filter you purchase for at least a few days to a week
*All the water, then top up the 55 with fresh conditioned water

What this will do, is transfer any bacteria in your old tank to your new one, which means your tank will basically be cycled and you won't have to go through the long  4 - 6 week wait for your tank to go through the cycle.

Hope this helps!

Cheers! Rach