Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > angels


23 15:34:24

QUESTION: Hi again Renee,

 So its been a little bit since I have talked to you. Everything is going great- all fish are eating, meeting me at front of tank. I have tested the water about every day or every other and the past couple days the nitrites have become high again- even  higher then they were before when they were so sick. They arent showing any signs now- absolutly nothing. I did introduce 2 new corys into the tank and they seemed to be doing well for a few days until I lowered the tank back to 75 degrees and highered the water level back up because everyting was good then. Then they passed away and the black angel started to hide again- but did eat and come out when I was there. SO I highered the temp and lowered the water again and changed the water 25-50% twice since then but the nitrites are still high but all the fish are doing awesome. What should I do???

ANSWER: Hi Kelli,

Keep changing water til the water parameters are good once again.

I am so sorry for this, forgive me, but I answer a lot of questions:  What filter do you use?  How big is your tank?  Refresh my memory please. :)

If you haven't taken a look at the filter, I suggest this immediately.  This is probably the causer of the fact that nitrites keep returning full fledged.

Also, feed a tiny bit, once a day.  See if that helps.  When fish die, get them out asap.  They form nitrates/nitrites.

Go to the store and buy Zeolyte crystals.  Put some into a net.  They will absorb any ammonia produced by the nitrites and will preserve the fishes' lives in the event this happens again. :)

Looking forward to your response about the filter/tank, but please keep in mind a filter has to be at least double what they claim it is rated at to work.

Happy fish-keeping,

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


 I believe the filter is a Tetra FS2040 Power Filter that I bought from Walmart and my tank is 45 gallons. The filter is brand new as of JUly and I had no problems with it until these past 2 months when I added too many fish at one time. I would rinse the filter every month and put in a new filter every 2 months. So why cant it seem to keep up now?? And as of right now, I have an extra filter in there- so two of the carbon filters. Im not sure if any of the local pet stores carry the Zeolyte- if they dont have it, do you have any suggestions online where I can buy it??

Hi Kelli,

The 20/40 filter is only rated to a 20 gallon tank.  That's why you are having continual high nitrites.

You can add a 2nd filter, and actually keep a few extra fish per gallon that way.  It would do the job efficiently.

Filters sold as 20/40 are under-rated.  They claim up to 40, but when they rate the filters to go up to 40 gallons, they are rating them for tanks without fish.  They are rating them for tanks with ideal water changes on a bi-weekly ratio and no fish food.  They tend not to realize the average Joe or Jane doesn't clean the tank every other week, change the media in the filter bi-weekly and that Joe or Jane has fish!  

The filter can only handle the lower amount on that claim of 20/40.  I suggest adding a second filter, but a much, much larger one and running both simultaneously.

Yes, flow will increase and it will lift debris from the bottom and it will also combat the nitrite issues.

This is all positive stuff!  It's great to know that we can always improve water quality simply by adding a filter and upkeeping water changes.

You're a good fish owner, Kelli. :)  I recall that.

Zeolyte can be bought on Ebay.  I just got 2 quarts (half a gallon) for $15.  You don't need that much!  Just go to Petco or Petsmart and buy it in a box.  It's sold as filter media for canister filters, in little nets.  Get enough for a 75 gallon tank, although yours is 45.  This will tremendously help you out.

Filter pads need replaced monthly...washed bi-weekly.

You are well on the way to a 100% efficient tank set-up.  Think positive and keep in touch.

Happy fish-keeping and tank-improvements.
