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Water conditions

23 16:18:27

Well I just got 3 fancy guppies yesterday and 1 is pregnant. I have a 20gallon tank and here are the conditions nitrate-0 nitrite-0 chlorine-0 hardness-25
pH-7.8 alklinity-300. I would like to know what kind of water conditions mollies and guppies need because i would like to start breeding them, and the signs that they are pregnant that they both have.

Hello again,

Well for the water conditions you want them to be neutral which means your pH should be at 7 and your nitrates and nitrites, and ammonia should be low, a water test well tell you if the water is in the correct place. This can be ether done yourself by purchasing a test kit or by taking you water to a store to get it tested. And to tell if they are pregnant you should be able to see a rounded stomach.   

Thanks for your time,
Michael M.