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White lumps

23 16:19:49

I have two small comet goldfish that i took in because they would have been flushed otherwise (they were healthy at the time). The tank I have is too small (3-4 litres) and has no filter. I have to wait a couple months before i can move them into a bigger tank with a filter. I've had them for about three weeks.

One of them started getting ammonia burns after the first week (I did weekly 40% water changes) so i started changing the water every day (20% water changes) and continued the 40% weekly changes. They seemed happy and lively for the next week and couple days. (I let the water sit out in an open container overnight before putting it in the tank)

Now my fish with the ammonia burns has 2 white round lumps on his body about 1.5mm big and little ones on the side of his head. He is lethargic and doesn't eat. He also swims awkwardly. The lumps protrude from the fish but are not "worm like". They also do not look like specks of salt so i don't think it's a parasitic worm or ich. There doesn't appear to be anything wrong with it's slime coat although i didn't feel it so i can't be too sure. The white lumps do not look like cauliflower or cotton. They don't look like anything other than a white lump. The other one shows no signs of disease but acts less lively then before and they both hang around at the top of the tank gulping sometimes.

After a week of having my fishies i started using melafix for it's ammonia burns.

I do not think they will be alive for much longer, they act quite sick.

I know that they are showing signs of not getting enough oxygen but is this possible since I change the water so often?

Should I change the water so often?

What can I do until I get a bigger tank and a filter?


Hi Sammie:  They mike tiny filters for goldfish bowels... they are about $6 and they run off of an air pump which about $12... or less.  So for under $20 you can get your fish a filter that will deliver oxygen to the water at the same time.  Those little filters are made by LEE.  Malafix is good for wounds...but you need to make sure that the ammonia levels are down otherwise the malafix will not help them.  Also try to feed them some live brine shrimp, frozen peas (thawed) and maybe some blood worms.  Its almost necessary to change goldfish water at least twice a week if not more... I would continue to do 10-20 changes as needed.  The only thing that will save your fish is filtration and oxygen.... keep me posted... dave