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Regarding Cichlid keeping

23 16:08:18

Hello David,
My question was regarding Cichlid keeping. I want to establish a 60 X 24 X 24(in inch)cichlid tank soon. I have heard that the water needs to be hard in order to have a perfect cichlid tank. Now the challenge is the water in our area is soft. I had consulted with a number of people who are into fish keeping for a long time now but their answers were either not convincing or discouraging. Some people suggested me to give up the idea of Cichlid keeping. Do I really need to give up or their is any way out? I had questions regarding pH too. As far as my knowledge is concerned the pH should always be on the higher side in case of Cichlids. If I am not wrong should range from 8.2 to 8.4. How do I get this initially at the time of establishing this tank, and how do I maintain the same pH rating for my cichlids? Can I use some dead sea rocks for aquascapping along with plain rocks that are found in the beach? What shall I use for base medium and filter media? How long do you want me to mature the water before I put some hardy specimens? Forgot to mention that I have inclination towards both Tanzanian and Malawian Cichlids. Would appreciate If you could put some light on the above mentioned issues.

Hello Deepanker:  You do not have to use water from your area to fill your tank.  You can get water from another area that is harder.  Cichlids are more resilient then people give them credit for.  So long as the change in their environment is not sudden they can survive in almost any condition...within reason of course... As for pH... that can be adjusted upwards with the use of coral gravel... 7.5 though is fine for cichlids.... If you need additional information let me know... dave