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ill green tiger barb

23 15:58:05

My one tiger barb has lost a patch of scales behind its one gill and it's body has tiny air bubbles all over it. It's not eating and spent one day hiding behind the filter and seems to be quite weak. I lost 2 other fish recently - both very bloated tummies with strange curved backs. I thought this could be fish TB but is apparently very rare. The tiger barb has gone darker in colour and has distended tummy - thought it may be female ? I have given an anti- bacterial medicine ie. for finrot and ulcers for the past 2 days and it seems to be a bit better today but still not eating. Should I euthanase it or give it a chance ?

Hi Gabrielle,

If you kill it, that would defeat the purpose of you going out and buying a medication. Give it a chance! Anything is better than killing a your fish...

Change 20% of the water every 2 days or so, to help the fish recover.
If it doesn't get much better, try using a different bacterial treatment, such a Maracyn. In my opinion, it;'s one of the most effective ones out there.

Good Luck, and I hope your fish recovers!