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Cory Catfish laying eggs

23 16:07:20

Hi Jack,

i have owned fish for about 15 years (freshwater) and my "plumply" female
catfish (she is a peppered corydoras) has began to lay eggs on a regular
basis; like once a month it seems! They never hatch and get fungus on them
mostly or other fish in the tank eat them.  This time though, I went and
bought a mini "hospital tank" that sits in the tank I have (55 GAL.) and
carefully put the 15-20 eggs in. They have been in there for about 2-3 days
and have gone from clear to pink. Some look as though they have white tiny
bodies inside but I'm not really sure, it could be a blob. Some had fungus and
I remove them immediately. I've heard catfish fry are very hard to raise and
most don't make it. I'm worried they'll get out of the tiny slits in the mini tank
and get eaten by the others or I'll lose them to improper care. Can you help
with what I need to do to keep them healthy and help them to survive? I do
have another small tank (2 GAL.) but there is no heater- can they survive with
no heat or just a lamp for warmth (or will that blind them?) I really want these
little guys to survive and grow! Any ideas will be helpful-Thank you!

Hey tara :)

That is so weird, my peppered catfish spawned yesterday :)  Fish ate them before i could get them out though :(

Peppered catfish eggs take 8-10 days to hatch and to become water bourne.

Feed infusoria and crushed flake food :)

Peppered catfish are able to tolerate a temp down to 17 degrees celcius so you could put them in the 2 gal with the lamp but turn it off overnight :)

Let me know if they survive :)