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coldwater fish options

23 16:14:16

Hello, I have a new 30 gallon hexagon tank. I have a good filter and proper light. Currently I have nothing in the tank. I was going to make the tank tropical because I had already had a heater but parts to the heater broke and I do not have money right now to get a new one. I will have to make my tank coldwater. However, I do not want to extra maintainance that goldfish require. I do not want to make my coldwater tank for goldfish but what other fish will do well in a coldwater tank? I have heard that white clouds, dragon fish, and crabs/shrimp will do well but is this the only fish that do well in cold water? If so, how do you care for all of these fish as I have never had them? Are there any other fish who can live happy in cold water and if so how do you properly care for them?

Hi Rachel:  coldwater pretty much refers to water that drops below about 70 degrees or so... and tropical for water that is usually above 78 degrees.  There is a middle... and that is called room temperature and that is pretty much anything that does not drop below 70 or go above 82 or so degrees.  Many tropical fish will be just fine in water that is room temperature.  Gouramis, guppies, danio, tetra among the list that you could buy now and then get a heater for before the weather changes.  You do want to be careful that you do not take fish from a warmed tank and put them into a cooler tank where the temperature difference is more then a few degrees.  They are likely to develop ICH if you do.  So find tanks at the fish store that are not heated. You can ask them to check the temperature and know the temperature of your tank as well.  dave