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Regarding tank size and filtration

23 15:57:33

Hi. I have a redcap in my 10 gallon tank. I am cycling a 29 gallon tank with no fish in it. I am cycling the 29 gal with pure ammonia there is no fish in the 29 gal. I want to put my red cap and maybe a buddie for him in the 29 gal no more than 2 orandas. The tank came with a Aqua tech 20-40 filter and I want to know is that filter ok or do I have to put another filter with it. What is the better kind of filter for Gold fish? I have a 10 gallon tank with a Whisper 10 can I add that filter to the Aqua tech 20-40 or should I buy a new filter altogether? I want my fish for 30 years. Lord Willing. I have a bubble wand and gravel in the new tank and a castle only right now. My fish keeps looking at his new home he is anxious. lol Thanks Michael

Hi Mike,
I actually think that hang on the back type power filters are the best kind for goldfish as well as ease of maintenance. Sure, other powerful filters like canisters are great, but I don't feel they are necessary as long as the aquarium is maintained as it should be it can get along very well with a powerfilter.

The thing to keep in mind is you can make up for lack of filtration by doing more water changes, and the reverse.

It's actually much better to do more water changes than have more filters just circulating the same old water over and over again. Filters can only remove so much waste and they can't remove nitrates.

The general rule is though- the more filtration--the better. You really can't over filter your water but then you don't want a whirlpool affect or so much current that it makes swimming exhausting for the weak-swimming goldfish.

It would be perfectly fine to add the 10 gallon filter to the 29gal. I believe you will do very well with that filtration setup.

A 29-gallon is perfect for 2 orandas. With decent filtration and as many water changes as you can do for them, a balanced and varied diet including vegetables and vegetable-based foods like Peas, Zucchini, Romaine Lettuce, spinach,  spirulina flakes, perhaps even a bit of seaweed (from your petstore) balanced out with some frozen meaty types of food like shrimp and worms and a staple of high quality flakes and pellets should enable your goldfish to grow to all their magnificent splendor.

You should visit this website on fancy goldfish for very important tips and advice on how to keep them healthy and avoid problems-

Best wishes and I do hope this helps!