Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Its getting worse please help...

Its getting worse please help...

23 16:05:51

After seeking help for my sick pearlscale i thought things were getting better. She was lethargic lying on the ground a lot. Only really active for food. She got stuck to the filter a few times. But she seemed better after i did multiple water changes and put some stress coat and aquarium salt in... Now i took the day off from a feeding yesterday and now i went to feed them and apparently my water change yesterday did something.. There is a white filmy substance on the sides of the tank that i never saw before. I checked my water 60 kh between 120-180 ph 6.6-7 nitrite 0 and one test gave me slight nitrate 20 and my liquid test gave me seemingly 0.
What could this be? Should i perhaps change my carbon or the sponge or something in my filter. Did i let something out when i vacuumed the gravel yesterday. please help i dont want to lose these guys...As always thank you for your help and information.

The white slimy stuff is a protein based sediment.  Just use a sponge that has never had soap on it and that does not have any kind of antibacterial agent on it and wipe down the glass.  You water chemistry is fine... I would shut off the filter for the next day or keeping her in a separate bowl.  She is getting weaker and this is why you should be feeing her brine shrimp.  Please keep me posted... dave