Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Black Moor - single red eye

Black Moor - single red eye

23 16:51:49

We have four goldfish and all have been doing very well for a while now.  Recently our black moor suddently developed a single red eye.  Water quality appears ok, but I have begun to step up water changes just in case.  Any thoughts on what this might be?  Thanks.


Hi Marcel
Honestly I have no idea on that one.  I've seen cloudy/white eyes, popped out eyes, but never red.  It may be an injury from another fish or an object/decoration in the tank, I just can't say.  Try posting to a different expert, one with more experience with goldies.  

Keep up with the water changes, if the tank is adequate sized for 4 goldfish(40+ gallons), you could do once a week of 25%.  If it's smaller then that do at least twice a week water changes.  

If no live plants or snails or invertebrates are in the tank, you could add a little salt to the water.  Dose at 1 tablespoon per 5 US gallons.  Be sure to watch for other signs of disease/stress, lack of eating, lethargic, being picked on by other fish, eye gets white/cloudy, eye pops out or looks swollen, red streaks on fins/tail/body of fish.  Those will require additional treatment.  So, just keep on eye on it.

Sorry can't help much more.  Good luck!
