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Upside Down Catfish Behavior

23 16:34:44

Hi. I have three Upside Down Catfish (synodontis nigriventris. Two of them hang out near each other in and around artificial rock formations at the bottom of the tank (46 gallon). The third one stays all by itself high up in the back corner of the tank. Sometimes it will scoot down to the bottom (still sticking in the corner) but it really seems to prefer the top. It actually scoots its head up out of the water, while its clinging to the side of the tank, and stays that way for long periods of time, regarding me with a large serious eye. Does this guy have a fulfilled life, just preferring to be "a fish out of water" all by himself (herself?) or do I need to do something to get him out of that corner? I really enjoy looking at him and having him look back (or so it seems, anyway)but I've never had another fish that behaved anything like this. Please advise.Thanks.

Hi Cory,
Wow, I'm not really sure why your third Upside-down Catfish would behave in such a way you explained. But I would be sure to just keep a close eye on him. Make sure he isn't developing any illness symptoms.

I wonder if its possible he may be the lower ranking catfish of the group and the other two have claimed the rock formations as their own and are becoming territorial about it? This is only a guess.

He may just prefer to be in that area of the tank also. But I would watch him for any symptoms of disease or stress. I know you will.

Best of luck with him and feel free to let me know how he is doing if you like.