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ADF with Mystery Snails

23 16:35:59

Are ADF compatible with mystery snails? I've read that some species of snails will attack resting frogs.  I have a 10-gallon tank with 2 mollies, 1 rubber-lip pleco, 1 upside-down catfish, 1 dwarf gourami and 2 African dwarf frogs.  If mystery snails are compatible with ADF, how many could I work into my tank?

Hi Joe;

I have kept African Frogs and Mystery Snails together without any problems but your tank is already overcrowded I'm afraid. For community tanks with small fish it is a safe population to have one inch of fish per gallon of tank water. For a ten gallon, ten inches is about right. However, you have to calculate this population based on the future adult size of your fish. Here's the rundown of the future adult sizes of the fish/frogs you already have;

Mollies - 4 to 6 inches (depending on type)
Rubber-lip - 5 inches
Upside Down Cat - 4 to 10 inches (depending on type)
Dwarf Gourami - 3.5 inches
African Frogs - 1 to 2 inches each

With the very smallest calculations your tank has a whopping 22 inches of critters in it! Yikes! It's probably time to upgrade to a 30 gallon or larger. You can then add snails if you want to. Keep in mind that snails don't really clean your tank. It is a common misconception. They make a lot of waste as they consume food, being virtually an "eating and pooping machine".  Here is a great web site about them too so you will know what they need;

Have fun!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins