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cloudy water and new fish dying

25 9:06:38


--I'll try the once a week, but I've only got about 6 fish.  You didn't mention the rocks, it won't help to change them?-----------------------

Followup To

Question -
I've had my 15 gallon tank about 15 years.  Just recently the water has become cloudy.  Any new fish I add die, but the others seem ok.  All water tests are ok.  Do I need to change the rocks as I never have?  I change the water once a month and put in new filtration.

Answer -

It could just be an issue of regular cleaning. Instead of once a month, try changing 10-15% of your water every week as well as the glass. Also incorporate gravel syphoning into your weekly maintanence. You should continue to change your filter media once a month, but about half way through the month you should give it a cleaning as well. The best way to clean it is to take out a bucket of aquarium water and rinse the media in there. This will prevent your bacteria colonies from dying.

I hope this helps.

Best of luck,
From Stephanie


No matter the number of fish you should clean weekly. And also, regular cleaning should completely eliminate any need to change the gravel. Nothing ever happens to the gravel itself that would require changing, it is the waste build up in the gravel that is bad. So removing the gravel would still leave you with most of your waste.
