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Betta fish and companions

25 9:00:47


   I just got a male betta fish and I am very happy with it.  I placed him in a
10 gallon tank with filter.  I have a few questions:

1. I was thinking to buy swordtails and angelfish as companions for my betta.
Are they good companions?  If they are, What type, quantity and gender
should I get?

2.  I bought my betta about 3 days ago.  I got betta pellets, but I see him
ignoring the food and the next day the pellets still there.   I don't think he is
eating.  However, the water is a little cloudy.   Is the water cloudy because he
is eating, or because the food is dissolving?
He looks very lively and produces a lot of bubbles.  ( I heard they do this
when content ).

Thank you for your time and any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!

Sincerely, Lee  

Hi Lee,
Swordtails would be okay but Angels will be nipped to death by your betta. I recommend fish such as cory cats or mollies.
Your betta is probably still stressed so i would put one or two pellets in and if he doesn`t eat them within 10 minutes remove them with a net.
Good luck!