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black mystery snail

23 16:49:05

hello, i have a question could i stop a black mystery snail from having babies for example if i buy one at a pet shop and then i put in some chemical like had a snail or others would it stop the snail from having eggs or do i wait till it has eggs.or if you know how to tell the gender that would be great so i could buy a male because i want a snail but i don't want it to have a bunch of eggs. thank you.

Dear Braddle,
It's very easy to prevent unwanted snail eggs from hatching. Since mystery snails lay their eggs in clusters above the water line, all you need to do is remove the egg clusters as you find them. It's very simple.

I wouldn't recommend any chemicals of any sort as this won't do anything to prevent your snail from laying eggs. And more likely it will harm the mystery snails themselves

Even if you do have a female snail, when she lays eggs they won't hatch unless you have a male with her.
So there are no worries there.

I really hope this helps!