Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Keeping pitu catfish with colombian shark

Keeping pitu catfish with colombian shark

23 16:34:52

QUESTION: Hi Christy, I have a 40Gal with three 3.5 inch colombian sharks.  I'm considering adding two pictus cats because it would be interesting to have two types of highly active cats together.  But I am concerned about the salt levels that the CS's need and I don't know if the pictus will tolerate it.  I have been adding 1 tsp/2 Gal, which I may have to increase with time.  Do you know how a couple of pictus will fare?  
Also, I'm new to adding salt to the water and I'm looking for some other fish that can handle it (other than mollies, platys an puffers).  Might you be able to suggest some good choices?  Thanks for any advice you have.

ANSWER: Hi Joshua
I think you'd be best not adding pictus cats with the sharks.  Like you mentioned, the sharks will require a full brackish set up, and pictus cats are strictly a fresh water fish.  

As for other fish to add for a brackish set up, other then mollies or puffers.....some gobies are brackish, I had a knight goby in a brackish set up years ago.  Scats and monos are brackish-but with them and the 3 sharks, you'll need a larger tank(definitely need one anyway for the sharks).  Here's a link with some brackish fish, but most listed on there are mollies or puffers:

Hope that helps and good luck!


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks, Christy, I was thinking that would probably be safest too.  My other question is whether you think a puffer would get along with the colombian sharks.  I figure, like most cats, they can take care of themselves but I know puffers can be quite vicious and it really only takes one bite from them to cause serious injury to another fish.  Also, if I do get a puffer, should I get a specific type of brackish snail to feed it?  Thanks.


Hi Joshua
I don't think a puffer would be a good idea with them either :)  They really should be the only fish in the tank.  Even the little dwarf puffers can be vicious....

When I had my puffer, I just used the little "pest" type of pond snails that most people try to get rid of.  I just put them in another tank to breed, and when needed, just put them in the puffers tank.  They need to be small though, so the puffer can fit it in it's mouth to get the crunchy shell.  

