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Alage eating snails

23 16:49:22

I have a brown algae problem and would like to find an organic solution. I would like to find some suitable algae eating snails. However, I have African clawed frogs so the snails would have to be at least 2 inches so avoid being eaten. Also don't want anything thats gonna eat my plants. The aquarium large but the water is shallow (15cm). Water is room temp. I can provide terrestrial habitat if species is semi-aquatic.

Any suggestions?

Cheers Melissa

Hey Melissa Marr,

Snails tend to be a pain, more then a solution. These a-sexual creatures tend to start off as one... then ten... then ten...thousand! I accidentally put a snail in my tank once about 8 months ago. I since then moved, dried out the substrate, and restarted the tanks. Even with all that, i still cant tell snail from black gravel! If you have the opportunity, I'd go with a Chinese Butterfly Loach. They can handle cooler water (low 70's) similar to that of your frog. The shallow water shouldnt be a problem for them either! Because they're naturally in semi-swift moving, shallow water, I'd give them some smooth flat rocks, or aquatic wood to grab onto, and be sure your tank has good filtration. Other then that, you should be set up for them. In the late spring / early summer Petco can special order them, if you talk to a store manager, or an aquatic specialist, usually they can track them down for you. I know my local petco is ordering me a half dozen the first week they're avalible!

If they're not up your alley, In moderately cool water, chinese algae eaters might be another solution. Because the frogs seem to survive well, a common plecostomus plecostomus (not a typo, that's what they're called) should do well as well. If you cant find any of these specifically, try scrubbing the tank clean, and netting out the loose algae.

Other then that, I cant really think of too many animals that will pair well with clawed dwarf frogs and eat algae! Perhaps tomorrow morning something will come to me, but until then, best wishes and good luck with your froggies!