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Red spots on silver molly

23 15:35:40

I just bought a silver molly from the pet store.  The first few days he was moving very slow, so I thought it was just stress.  Now he has red spots all over his body.
The filtration is good, heat is good, and i tested the water quality.. IT'S PERFECT
What do i do?


When testing for water quality, you test for Ph, ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates. It would be a good idea to add some aquarium salt to the tank since molly's are brackish fish. 1 teaspoon per gallon is the normal rate. I would have to say that your molly is suffering from ammonia and/or nitrate poisoning. Do a 50% water change right away. Make sure you are using a good water conditioner. When testing, do not use the test strips because they are not reliable. Get the liquid testing kit and test the water weekly. After the 50% water change, test the water daily. If your ammonia and/or nitrites are over zero, do a 25% water change. Do this daily until the ammonia and nitrites are at zero. They have to be that way at all times. Once you get them under control, test the water weekly and do 25% weekly water changes. As long as you do this your fish should start looking better. The salt in the water will help too. If after you have done all this and the fish is not better, or she gets worse let me know.