Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > What happens if I overdosed on Maracyn II?

What happens if I overdosed on Maracyn II?

23 15:22:26

I put one package of Maracyn II to treat my fish tank shortly before I asked you this.  I  may have put one package in six hours earlier today.  The directions say one package for every ten gallons after the first day.  What should I do if I overdosed and what symptoms should I watch for in all the fish?  Thanks.

Dipan,   Just dilute your tank water a few gallons and you will be fine. The first dose being a little stronger than normal is fine. It will not kill anyone with the overdose, but it could cause your sick fish not to react to the next dosages properly. So get that water diluted abit and don't forget to remove your carbon from your filter but keep it running and you should be just fine. Good Luck, Tina