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Dwarf Shrimp

23 15:22:26

I'm considering starting a shrimp tank and have been looking through a lot of resources. I am also considering starting a basic jar ecosystem with dwarf shrimp that i have been seeing a lot of. I would appreciate your expertise and opinion on that and recommendation for starting a basic shrimp tank.

Thank you,


Steve,  You can keep them in a jar system. You are limited to the amount you can put in there. It would depend on the size jar for instance in a gallon I would not keep more than 6-8. Be very careful when you clean it that you keep them in the water they are in. After you clean everything refill with water you have left out with no top in another container for a couple days. You will know when you need to clean by color and quality of water and what is on the bottom. Net your shrimp out carefully and put them in. Of course have your pH adjusted before netting them in. On another note shrimp do better in established tanks especially if they are planted. You could get a ten gallon put some Java moss and some small grasses and driftwood and whatever else you want a nice aggregate and a filtration system and you will be able to see them better and clean less. Good Luck, Tina