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stuck sucker fish

23 16:14:27

My sucker fish is stuck in rock like structure in my tank. I tried to gently pull him out but I was afraid that I would hurt him. Is there anything I could do or is he a loss?

Hi Lisa,
I had a similar case. It was a dragon fish which is a elongated snake-like fish that got trapped inside a decoration and couldn't get out. Pulling the fish out definitely never helps and causes too much risk for injury.

If you can't get him to come out by moving the decoration back and forth in the tank and turning it upside down all the more to encourage him to come out and you think he is truly stuck, then taking a screwdriver and a hammer. You'll have to break the decoration. :( Do this by gently tapping the screw driver in a good area that would free him. You'll have to do this in a 5gallon bucket with some tank water.

But first try all you can to encourage him to come out, sometimes plecos will know their way out sometimes instinctly if you keep bugging him enough. Then decide whether breaking a piece of the decoration is needed.

Best of luck!