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Snail Tank Question

23 16:22:12

Hello There Dave,

   I have some questions about a snail tank I set-up about 2 weeks ago, I have set this up for a food supply for my Dwarf Puffer Fish(everyone at the LFS thinks I am crazy when I tell them I started a snail tank). I bought a 5 Gallon Tank with the lid, a light that is basically good for plants, fish, everything. I have put a small heater on it to keep it at around 78 Degrees, and I also have a sponge Filter in there as well as a small bubbler. In the tank I have about 20+Pond snails, 6 Tiger Eye Snails, and about 15 Trumpet Snails. I have eggs all over the glass which I am pretty sure are from the Pond snails, but I can't seem to get the trumpets to have any snails (I was told they are live bearers and should reproduce quite quickly), I was wondering what I could to to make them reproduce faster? I was also wondering how long it takes for the pond snails eggs to hatch and what you can do to make sure they WILL hatch??? Hope to talk to you soon!!

Thank you,

Hi Kristal:  You are as crazy as I am... I have a ten gallon snail tank... and I actually enjoy it.  Snails are quite good at adapting  to most water conditions, with the exception of acidic keep a slightly alkaline pH. They are sensitive to medications containing copper sulfate and to a lesser extent malachite green. They do well in well planted tanks with some algae growth.  Snails will find their own food around the tank and mostly eat left over fish food and decaying plant material.  The eggs hatch in about a week...Breeding::: do nothing.. trust me they will breed.  78 degrees though is a bit warm.. might want to drop it down to about 74-75... dave