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Sick tiger barb

23 16:17:48

I have three tiger barbs, one of which quickly become the dominant. After losing one barb, I bought another smaller tiger barb that fell last in line in the pecking order. However, after a fight two mornings ago, the leader fell to the bottom of the pack while the little one took over. The former leader almost died on me that night and was actually just lying on his side at the bottom of the tank. I isolated him in a small bowl. He would not eat in the  bowl but recover nicely over the next 12 hours. I replaced him in th e tank and he made several attempts to eat but was chased off. I find him again on his side today, and once again he is recouporating nicely in the bowl, but he will still not eat!  Any ideas?



Hi Dave
Either he's just being picked on to near death, and if you don't scoop him out, sounds like he won't make it, or it may be a water quality issue.  I've never owned tiger barbs, just heard some much about them being fin nippers and aggressive, and they wouldn't be compatible for any of my tanks.  But, I've always heard to keep them in large groups, like 8-10.  I don't know your tank size, so can't say if that's a good idea or not.  Nor, can I say that'll help the one in particular.  But, it's possible if one is a female and the other 2 males, it may help if you can add more to the bunch.  

As for the water quality maybe the issue...check and make sure ammonia and nitrites are at 0 ppm, nitrates under 20 ppm.  Even if it's off slightly, from him being stressed from being bullied, would make him more susceptible to the water quality.

So, first check the water quality.  Then, if you're tank is large enough and not overstocked, give some thought to increasing the school of barbs.  Or, consider getting rid of the bully.  

Hope that helps.  Also try posting to some other experts, maybe someone else will be more familiar with them and have some better advice for you.  But, like I said, I've always read large schools for them.  Good luck!
