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gold fish & carp

23 15:57:01

my fish are not eating properly could you tell me why?
I,ve changed half the water clean the filters and do all the relevent test like the ph,and other test required.

Hi Carol,

Fish need time to adjust to their new surroundings. They become extremely stressed when you transport them from the pet store to your home. You should allow them a week to get comfortable with their surroundings. after that period, the fish should definitely start actively feeding. If they don't then there's something wrong.

What food are you feeding them?
If it's flakes, it's not surprising that they are not eating. Sometimes, individual fish may be very picky. Flake food is okay as a staple diet, but it should be complimented with a freeze-dried or frozen food once every week or so.

Feed your Goldfish/carp a pea. Carps will really benefit from the pea, and it will help their appetite. The pea is probably just what your fish need. Make sure it is fresh or defrosted.

If nothing works, just try a different brand of food.

Good Luck, and Happy Fishkeeping!