Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > how can I keep my tank clear?

how can I keep my tank clear?

25 9:01:32

I just started (atually this is the fourth restart) a 10 gal tank.  I am using a 10-20 gal Aquatech filter and added into the charcoal filter about 1/2 cup of AMMOCARB [on advice of the fish guru] (in addition to the charcoal) before I started the filter; I cycled the water for almost 24 hours before I added my fish in- I have 2 koi, 2 shubunkin, and 2 sarosa[sp?]
of the six fish I have three are between 3 1/2 and 4 1/2 inches, and the other 3 are 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 in.  I first put 1 tsp of 'AquaSafe' I purchased the 'STRESS-ZYME'and followed it's directions... The water cycled with nothing in it for almost 24 hrs, then I added the gravel, and the air bubbler in, then I floated the fish for about 20 minutes before releasing them into the freshly started tank.  Am I trying to put too many or too large a population of fish into the aquarium? (given their rather large sizes)  The reason I ask is that each of the times I started my tank, the ammonia level reached DANGEROUS levels and remained there for nearly 2 days before I started a clean tank and transferred the occupants from the high ammonia to the fresh tank.  I have not ever kept an aquarium  (my sister had a tropical aquarium).  If I were to say leave the high ammonia tank cycling without fish will it ever be habitable for my fish or will the ammonia just keep growing and the water continue to stink?  


Yes, you are putting in a lot of fish off the start. For a ten gallon tank you should start with no more then 3 small fish.

However, it is natural that the ammonia will peak. It is best to leave your fish in the aquarium (maybe not all of them, because as I mentioned you did overstock a little) because their waste will continue to decompose and create beneficial bacteria which will complete the cycling process. Without fish the ammonia would go down eventually, but as soon as you added fish again it would probably peak again.

I hope this helps.

From Stephanie