Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > help me with my severums please!

help me with my severums please!

23 16:27:35

I just moved up to a 75 gallon tank and am having problems with my current fish. I have 2 sevrums which i bought together thinking they would school. One is smaller and black or brown with silver stripes and the other is a light color and only a couple of half stripes. The light colored one dosent bother anyone but the other severum. It attacks it whenever it sees it and chases it around for no reason. The dark severum basically lives in hiding and dosent move unless its to swim away from being attacked! What can I do?!

Hello Dan,  There are 2 possible things going on. have a male and female and he is trying to get her in the mood.
    2....They both are male who are fighting. A male Severum will have a point on the rear of his dorsal fin. The females is rounded.
    In the first case there isn't much to do. In the second:  remove both from the tank.  re arrange everything in the tank and put them both back.
 I could be wrong about this though