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Water Conditioner??

25 9:09:50

Dear Nori,

It's me again :) Things are improving slowly: I lost only one of my juvenile guppies in the last 36 hours. I printed out your web page like you suggested, but had not done the water changes because my water was already clear (was not sure what to do). Of course, upon finding my dead fishy this morning, I decided it was time to follow the expert's advice :)

I have yet another question though; about water conditioners. Up until now I have been using a product called "Aqua PLus" to treat the tap water when doing water changes. However, your page said to cease all chemical treatments so I only used Cycle when I changed the water this morning. My question is this: Once things get back in order, do you recommend I only use "Cycle" for the water changes,,, or should I keep using the "Aqua Plus".
I am not sure if that's a chemical or a natural treatment :)

Thanks again for the great support. By the way, my 4 adult guppies (those who remain from the original batch of 8 new fish) are doing good. I think they've past the "crisis" stage :D

Yours sincerely,

Hi Nathalie,
Progress is progress! If you use bottled water you do not need a chlorine neutralizer. Think about it - if you start with pure water, you do not need to add more chemicals. Chemicals to chemicals just equals more chemicals.
If your water ic clear and not viscous, maybe you do not need to change water. Just let things stabalize. Use bottled water to change the water from now on. You only need to do 10 - 20 percent at a time.