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Goldfish has white gills

23 15:43:08

QUESTION: I have a telescope goldfish that has grey/white things appearing on her gills. it doesn't look like spots, it runs the whole length of each "gill section" and looks something similar to a a layer of dust. I just noticed it a few days ago. Do you know what this could be and how to fix it? Thank you.

ANSWER: Hi Sasha,
Its difficult to diagnose with just a brief description but I can try my best. It sounds like your goldfish might have a mild fungal growth. Fungus on fish can appear as little fuzzy tufts, streaks, stringy material and smooth whitish patches.

I hestitate to immediately diagnose it as such and advise a medication... but the best thing I can recommend is to keep a close eye on the whitish area on her gills. Take note if it gets worse, spreads, changes in any way. And if your telescope eye becomes listless and stressed. I would try treating with Jungle Brand "Fungus Clear" which has proven very effective in my experience. Water changes are key to maintaining healthy fish long-term, and are especially important when stressed or sickly fish may be present as well. While treating with medication, try to do water changes-- despite what directions claim.... It definitely helps to do at least 30-50% water changes at least every to every other day.

For now, until you can determine if your fish needs medication. I would still recommend you try doing a couple of 30% water changes for a couple of days. Just to make sure there isn't excessive waste in your aquarium that can lower your fishes immune system.

See how she does and I hope all goes well!
Happy belated new year!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: On closer inspection and more research it looks like her filaments are turning white. I read about a few gill diseases but she doesn't seem to have any other symptoms. The ammonia and ph in the tank is always good and the tank is big enough, shes eating, and not gasping for air or being lethargic. Do you have any idea? Thanks

Her gill filaments are turning white then?

Maybe look here... this might help you further...

The fact that she is still behaving healthy makes me think she is fine and its nothing to be concerned about..But it never hurts to check.

Best wishes as always!