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sick fish-

23 16:13:03

hi, I have a 125 gallon tank with various community fish. it has been cycled, ammonia is 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 20. PH is 6.8. I have lost 2 tetras (do not know the kind, clear orange with a black patch) They have a whitish coating, it does not look like cotton, but rather more like they;ve been dipped in salt or sugar. Is this ick? I have about 20 fish in the tank & only the tetras have this. I also lost a large bala shark & my small rubber lipped pleco. The shark did not have any sign of the white coating, but the pleco seemed to turn a lighter colour before he died. I promptly did a 25% water change & another 10% two days later, added some aquarium salt  and raised the temp to 80. Any ideas what is going on? Would appreciate your help.  I run a Fluval 450 canister & also a fluval 4 internal filter at the opposite end of the tank.

Yes, it is definitely ich.

You can go to any pet store and pick up an ich medication. I like API Super Ick Cure best, but most work.

Raise the temp up to 82 and keep adding bits of salt. ANd keep doing small, frequent water changes. If you have a hospital tank now is the time to use it. If not, you'll have to treat in the main tank, and if that is the case then a medication may not be practical. Salt and raising the temp is likely your best treatment option.
