Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > algae eater for beta

algae eater for beta

23 16:44:01

QUESTION: Hi Chris, I have a 10 gallon betta tank, set up Jan 07, with a top fin power filter. I do about 25% water change every 3 or 4 weeks (half distilled, half well water). pH is 8, ammonia is 0, nitrite is 0. Temperature is 80. I have a florescent light on 12 hours and Java moss. I have been getting some algae. Would you please recommend a good algae eater that will get along with my Betta,(Kilo)? I tried a clown plecco, but Kilo was bullying it, so I moved it to another tank. Would it be better if I just continued to clean up the algae instead of finding a tank mate?

ANSWER: Hi Janice;

If Kilo didn't tolerate a plecostomus he would do the same with any other type of algae eater. Bettas can be exceptionally territorial. Reduce the number of light hours and the algae will grow much slower and be easier to control. Algae loves lots of light.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks so much - what do you think of snails as algae eaters?

Hi Janice;

The betta would probably pick at it but you could try I guess. They have those long antennae that betta seem to think are worms so he might only be able to come out at night. Keep in mind that snails often create more mess than they clean up too. They are basically eating and pooping machines.

I was thinking about your situation and it's possible that two otocinclus algae eaters might work out okay. They are very fast little fellas and with two of them in there they might be able to get away as he tries to bully. The tank is large enough for them to do that too. Just be sure you get the right ones and don't get chinese algae eaters. Those guys are mean and will kill your betta. Here is a web page about Otocinclus so you know what to look for;

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins