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My betta is hurt?

23 16:30:15

The bowl my betta fish was in got knocked of a high table and shattered on the floor. Luckily I was able to get the fish back into treated water in enough time, my friend picking him off the floor, as I got the water ready. I bought him a large new bowl, but he now just lies on the bottom of the tank rarely coming up, and he has eaten very little in the past few days. He looks awkward when he swims, very stiff/sore, not moving his back tail fin much, only his front fins. He does not have any open wounds, and is breathing well, but just remaining stationary on the bottom of the tank. I feel he might have been injured when he was picked off the floor or from the initial fall. Is there anything I can do, and what are his chances of survival...I don't want him to die, and I don't want him to be suffering? Help! Thank you.

Hi Holly,
Poor thing, I can bet that he may have some sort of internal injury plus he may be in shock from the trauma he had just been through. The best you can do is to make sure he is comfortable. Make sure his water temperature is warm, at least 78-80F and make sure it is kept clean with small water changes. Also make sure he can get to surface easily in order to gulp air. Lower his water level if it makes it easier for them to reach the surface given his injuries. A soft silk aquarium plant or two would help give him something to support himself on and for resting when he needs it.

My very best wishes to the little betta... Keep in mind he may not make it, such accidents as these happen sometimes and that was quite a lot of trauma for a little fish like a betta to handle. But don't give up hope. He may pull through.

Happy holidays,