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fish bags/polybags

23 16:25:22

hi i just had some questions about fish bags.  First, can i just buy polybags are they the same thing as fish bags.  (Not talking about the special breather bags)  Is there a particular website you can order fish bags from if polybags are not the right bags.  13 and plan on selling fish to store, if i can get a fish i can easily breed.  I've tried bettas, mollies, fancy guppies, now goldfish, and later cherry shrimp.  I would just like to know where i could get these bags in bulk.  Thanks for your help.  

Hi Dustin,

I've never shipped fish so did not know the answer to your question, however I found this website which had lots of detail on preparing fish for being shipped via USPS:
That link is to another article about shipping live fish.

I also found 1.5 mil poly bags on, from seller Greyd:
He highly recommends doubling up 1.5 mil bags.

If you are going to be taking fish to the local fish store I suggest you skip the bags altogether and just buy yourself a small styrofoam cooler. Put the fish in it and then put a spawning mop in the cooler:
They are really easy to make, all you need is yarn and a cork. This will give the fish something to hide under and make them comfortable.

Give the LFS the cooler and pick it up the next time you come in, make sure you put your name and phone number somewhere so they know it's not something to throw away. I did this for a while when I was bringing my LFS spawns from my cichlid tank, and it worked out just fine. The fish had plenty of surface area and no one jumped out or hit their nose. If you are just traveling a short distance, the Ziploc gallon sized bags with the zipper work fine and are disposable.

Just a word of advice for you! Try and find a fish that is profitable to breed. Fish like Neolamprologus brichardi "fairy cichlids" are not hard at all to coax to breed and you will get a much better profit with them than you will with goldfish, which need just as much space to breed as these cichlids do.  Of course, the easiest thing is just to keep the fish you are interested in, and if they spawn that is fantastic...but if you are trying to breed for profit, do a little "market analysis" beforehand.

Take care and best of luck! Consider yourself very accomplished to be doing so well with fish!
