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Gold fish/murky water

23 16:45:26

I have recently set up a 5 gallon cold water tank, the first few weeks I only had 2 small fish and everything appeared fine. I have since added some more goldfish and the water has changed to a cloudy green colour. After reading varying things on the net, I am thinking with it being a new set up I have added the stock to quickly. I am wondering if it is the ammonia levels? The fish appear ok, but I am really worried. I have had goldfish before in a smaller set up but nothing like this has happened before. The tank has a filter. I have not fed for the last 24 hours and will change 70% of the water today. Hope this is right after what I have been reading. Please can you advise as soon as possible?
Thanks, regards Sharon

ANSWER: Hello,

You should never change more then 20% of your water in a day. If you do you could kill the good bacteria which are working hard to maintain healthy water. If you have already changed 70%, that's ok but try and keep to smaller water changes in the future.

If you are worried about ammonia levels I recommend getting a test kit and checking them. If they are indeed high, regular water changes and the addition of a cycling product (ex. Cycle) should help. You should continue to feed your fish, just reduce the amount that you feed them.

Cloudy water can be caused by excess bad bacteria, or even free floating algae. Either way, controlling the amount of sunlight/light that reaches your tank and limiting the amount of waste in the aquarium should help control it.

I hope this helps.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately I did change the water after reading lots of sites on the internet. I didnt feed for 24 hours and have now started reduced feeding. The water I removed from the tank when placed in a glass seemed clear? Any way the fish appear fine (as they did before I changed the water) I will wait and see what happens now - this morning the water seemed fine.So am not sure whether it was ammonia/new tank set up, I did find a dead frog so maybe this could have polluted the water, or I had a piece of lettuce in the tank to feed my snails - they didnt eat it and even wondered if this had put a dye in the water? If it is the ammonia levels will it do it again? How long will it take?
Many thanks, regards Sharon
ANSWER: Hello,

Usually once the ammonia levels go down, they will stay down. Unless of course something in the water makes them peak again (such as excess wastes). It could have been that the uneaten lettuce polluted the water, or many other outside factors that may have accidentally occured and influenced your water chemistry. If your fish are healthy, the water is clearing and your ammonia is not high/going down then you shouldn't have anything to worry about other then your regular cleaning maintenance

I hope everything works out for you!


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

The water in the tank appears to be going misty again. Goldfish appear fine, but found a dead sucking loach yesterday. Could this make the water colour change? I have reduced feeding, haven't changed any more water. I am really confused, been looking on internet. I probably need to test the water do you think? What is the best product to do this? Do I buy a product that tests for ammonia or different things?
Thanks, regards Sharon


Yes, dead fish in your aquarium can cause an increase in bad bacteria, which is a cause of cloudy water.

If you want to check your ammonia, I also recommend buying a nitrite test kit. They are both part of the potentially deadly nitrogen cycle which occurs in every tank. Nutrafin makes some great test kits that can be found at most pet stores.

I hope this helps.
