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fish compatibilty

23 16:57:38

hi i'm new to fish keeping. i have a 50 gallon tank, in which i have two kois, two goldfish, an oscar, two gouramis, two angelfish and a lobster. i want to add more fish, fishes that would add some variety to my tank. could give some suggestions as to what fishes wuld go well with the other fishes and enhance my aquarium

Hi Ajay

I'm glad you enjoy the hobby but, sorry to say, I have some bad news for you. Koi grow to over 2 feet, your Oscar will grow to about 14 inches or so and eat any fish it can fit into its mouth, the Angels get very big and so will the Gourami.

Your tank is way overstocked as it is, I do not suggest you add any fish to it. You may want to consider trading the Koi and Oscar in if you want a community tank.
