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Help Identifying A Fish

23 16:05:52


picture of a fish like
Could you please help me identify this fish?  I got this picture off the tetra-fish website because it is the only picture I have found that looks like my fish.  I do not have a picture that I have taken but this is exactly what my fish looks like.  When I purchased it, they called it a Giant Danio but he does not match any of the pictures for Danios unless there is one I haven't seen yet.  But if you could help me identify him so I could ensure I am properly caring for him and giving him the environment he needs.  I appreciate your help.

Hey :)

Well your local fish store got it wrong big time time!

It is a red dwarf gourami or red-honey dwarf gourami.

They are labyrinth fish which breathe oxygen from the air, not just the water, need a temp between 22 and 26 degrees celcius.  they are community fish :)

Hope this helps and Good Luck    Jack