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Clown Loach missing fins

25 9:05:57

Hello Karen,
          One day I went to the petshop and saw a school of baby clown loaches. I noticed that there was one without the rear pelvic fins. He swam well and kept up with the others. Well I loved it and brought it home to join the other five loaches that I have. My question is: well it regenerate these fins? I love this loach and he is a champion swimmer.
        Yours Truely,

Dear Tiboroncito,
Wow! That little Clown Loach was very lucky to have somebody like you take him home! Most people don't want to bring a fish home that isn't absolutely 'pefect' in appearance.

Fortunately in my experience, most all fish can regenerate lost fins with time. I even had Zebra Danios get his entire tail bitten off by a Angelfish once. I moved the poor little fish and his 6 other zebra danios companions into a planted aquarium of their own. Fortunately that little danio is doing well and swimming with the school just fine. His tail has grown back completely, but not perfect as it once was before which I don't mind at all. But yes, I'm pretty sure your Clown Loach will regenerate his pelvic fins with plenty of time and insuring his water is clean. But remember the fins may not be as perfectly shaped as the others. It is also possible some genetics or mishap could have caused him to be born (or should I say hatched?) without Pelvic fins?

I suppose it doesn't really matter. I'm glad to hear he is such a great swimmer and is doing so well. That's what really matters!

I hope this helps!
Best wishes as always,