Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > striped peacock eel w/ panda cories

striped peacock eel w/ panda cories

23 16:17:38

I just added 4 panda corys to my 55 gallon freshwater which also houses 5 false juli corys several schools of tetras and a striped peacock eel. My question is do you think the panda corys are safe with the peacock eel. they are a little smaller than the false julis. The eel hasnt bothered the other corys or the eg brochis' that used to live there either.The peacock eel is about 5 inches and the pandas are about an inch right now. they have been there for 2 days and i dont see any marks on them but i keep catching it hovering over the pandas at night. the eel doesnt do ANYTHING while im near the tank so its hard to tell if hes actually up to no good. thank you vry much for your help.

Hello Mark!

There should be no problems, peacock eels are usually peaceful fish.
And even if it were agressive, I doubt it would bother cories, I have yet to find a fish that will act agressive to cories.

However, peacocks are crustacean eaters, and there is a very very slight chance you may find a little nip out of your cory as a case of mistaken identity. VERY unlikely though, you should be fine.

Good luck with your tank!
