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Fish breeding and Identifing

25 9:09:40

I was cleaning my tank and noticed 1 baby fish with no eggs and 2 minutes later my angelfish ate it. I was wondering if you could send me pics of 1 day old angelfish, plecos, and mollies so i can try to figure out  which fish is laying eggs. As well as what do i do meanwhile and if I see another baby or eggs what do I do?

Hi Stephanie;

It was probably a mollie. They have live babies. If you do a search on of each fish you should find some pics of them. The below link has a few platy babies. They are livebearers too. The babies could be black, silver, spotted, or clear too, depending on the parents;

It helps to separate the molly mom from the others before she gives birth. Her belly becomes more "boxy" instead of roundish a few days before they are released. Give her a tank all to herself with plenty of live plants for the babies to hide in and feed off of. Once she recovers in a day or two you can put her back into the main tank. A 10 gallon with a heater and a sponge filter makes a good baby tank. Don't put in any gravel or otehr bottom decorations. The babies can get stuck in them. Replace 25% of the water daily so they grow and thrive. Feed them crunched up fish food flakes 3 or 4 times a day.

Good luck!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins