Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > restocking


23 15:40:57

QUESTION: Hey man, remember me? Anyway, so my original stocking idea didn't really work out and i ended up buying a quarantine 10 gallon aquarium from my friend and putting my 2 sailfin platies,2 male guppies and 5 neon tetras in it.Because my angels were so aggressive and kept fin nipping everything that was smaller or slow. So now i have a 29 gallon with 1 red tail black shark, 2 angels and 5 zebra danios.Also i added a pair of opaline gouramis because of their immense hardity and bigger size.I had tried a dwarf gourami but he died probably because there not very healthy fish anymore.Or at least i read.So i guess my question is what should i put in my aquarium that will really give it color and movement?You know like eye candy so people go wow when they see my aquarium.If theres any schools of fish that you think fit the bill please let me know.
Thanks for your help and patience through all this

My local lfs told me some of my fish were probably dying because of my high pH because they tested my water and i had 0 ammonia 0 nitrite and 0 nitrate.But my pH was 7.5-8, so when giving options keep that in mind
thanks and please respond ASAP.

ANSWER: Marcus,
Howdy again, just to remind you it is better to under stock then over stock. As far as what other fish to put in, that is totally up to you as to what you are looking for. If its color, you might try a cichlid. They come in a lot of different colors. I have cichlids and danios together and they do just fine. The only question would be the red tail. They can get very aggressive and when one fish would be ok another would get chased and bothered. As far as putting in a school of fish of five or more, then you will definitely be over stalking. Remember, measure the fish as adults even though they are small. What fits now as babies will not fit as adults.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hey, i think I've come up with the perfect combination of fish so tell me what you think.So i was thinking, 1 firemouth cichlid and 1 new turned upside down clay flower pot. 3 golden barbs and 3 rosy barbs for schooling and added color. Please tell me what you think an respond ASAP.
thanks a lot


That is a good group of fish, but let me say again. You are over stacking. Your weekly water changes, if you add these fish goes from once a week to every 2 to 3 days. And you will have to do it or you will lose every one of the fish you have in there. Please think real hard before adding to an already over stocked tank. Take care.