Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > fantail ,comet

fantail ,comet

23 16:06:40

QUESTION: i have 2fantails , 1 comet ,1 orange tench, 1 plec i as informed that its ok to put heater in tank n set to 68 70 but is this to warm as they are coldwatewr fish will it kill them

ANSWER: Nothing more then 78 degrees with goldfish... 78 and lower is great... but put the heater in and increase the temperature one -two degrees per day until you get the temperature where you want it... dave

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: 1 of my fantails has a mark on its side like its been bitten or scraped the bogwood thats in the tank , will he be ok n is there anything i can do 2 aid the healing, also a mate who keeps fish does all things right 4 his fish but at the 1st signs of any disease swears by usin meth blue what does it do n does it work n what are the downsides

Hi Howard:  Your goldfish should mend just fine on his/her own unless the wound is very severe.  Wounds are best treated with Malafix which I have found to be very effective in treatment of bites, abrasions, and wounds.  As or your friend... I do not recommend treating disease unless you know exactly what you are treating.  Not all medications work on all diseases but... all medications will have an impact on your bacterial colonies and that means poor water conditions. Combine that with a sick fish and you have a lot of trouble.  Treat only when you know what you are treating for.... dave