Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > what species?

what species?

25 9:22:10

I have a 10 gallon tank, currently keeping
1 male betta and
5 zebra danios.
I'm planning on thickly planting the tank and
adding some other schooling fish but I'm not sure
what species. I already have 1 strand of Anacharis
plant and 3 Aponogeton bulbs plus lots of baby
Aponogetons from my other planted tank.
The tank has been setup over a year now and
all the fish are healthy and fine. What fish would
you recommend for my tank? I know it may be a little overstocked when I add another small school of fish if you go by the 1 inch rule but I am willing to do large frequent water changes and the plants of course will help with the water quality and I am an experienced aquarist. I plan to add more plants anyway. So in your experience, what schooling fish do you think would do very well in my tank and what size school? I'm thinking on whatever species I decide that I will have at least 6 in all.
Any suggestions are very welcome,
Susan F.

Hi Susan;

Neons look nice and so do Cherry Barbs. Neither one gets too big either. Cherry Barbs are the only barb I would recommend for a small tank. Most other barbs are fin nippers. They both have nice color and are pretty hardy too. Make weekly water changes of 25% while vacuuming the gravel. This should keep everybody in good shape.

Followups welcome.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins