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125 Gal fresh Water

23 15:27:03

QUESTION: Hello I have a 125 gal fresh water tank running 2 Marineland Emperor 400 filters. I have a large peace of driftwood, a couple of large rocks with big holes and a few live plants, and a few fake plants in the tank.

Water tests as: PH 7.6, HRPH 8.4, Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 5.0, (Need to do water change) and Hardness 300.

The tank has been up and running for a bit over a month, I want this to be a comunity tank. After weeks of reading and looking I now have NO idea what to stock the tank with.

My water is hard from the tap, and tests with nitrite already in it from the tap...

Looking for ideas on good verity of fish for my tank.

ANSWER: Phorage,
Ok, lets see if I understand cause i am a bit confused. Are there nitrites in your tap water, or does your tank water not have nitrites? As for stocking the tank, it depends. Do you want smaller fish or larger fish, peaceful or aggressive? Cold water or tropical? What I normally tell people is when you are looking for the fish narrow it down to 1 type of fish you just have to have. Lets say you just have to have Angel fish. If that is your fish, then you can stock the tank with fish that get along with Angels. Once you have figured out your "got to have that fish", then I can help you with stocking it.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The Nitrite are in the tap water(Tested water from the tap Nitrites = 2), but when I do a water change wait a day then test the water in the tank the nitrites are 0. So I figure the tank is working as it should. I have no idea why my tap water would have nitrites in it.

Glass catfish, or maybe rainbow shark.

Ok, the glass catfish is a very fragile fish. They are shoaling fish so you will want to have quite a few. If you any get one, it will not survive. A lot of them do not survive the ride home from the store. They are very peaceful fish and their tank mates have to be peaceful too.

Rainbow sharks are compatible with barbs and rainbowfish, which are upper-tank and middle-tank dwellers. They can also live with danios, loaches, plecos, and Gouramis.

I gave you a couple of websites about the fish you are looking into.