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my goldfish began to fight

23 16:45:15

hi Karen,

i have 3 goldfish since 2 months and everything is ok and they are getting along and they were all very peaceful
until i bought a fish i am not sure wether it is a goldfish or not but it exactly look like goldfish except that its color is really like gold not orange like the others. Anyway, since i put it in the tank the other three goldfish are fighting with each other not with the new one but with each other, is really the new fish the reason or is it just a coincidence? and why are they fighting? what shall i do?

than you

Dear Oyetstt,
Sometimes goldfish will seem to fight when they are in fact spawning. When goldfish are spawning they will bite and chase each-other throughout the tank, sometimes even causing scales to be missing on the fish.
It's always possible goldfish may have territorial issues or a 'pecking order' and the new goldfish may have disrupted the 'pecking order' between the two already established goldfish.

Whether they may be spawning or sorting out their pecking order, with time they should settle down and go back to being peaceful. Of course make sure no fish is being injured or chased to the point of exhaustion. If this happens, you may have to remove that fish for a while, and try him again with the others later.

I really hope this helps!
Best wishes,