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10 g tank

23 15:57:39

I have a 10 g tank which everyone on the net says is too small !! But believe me its larger than most tanks sold in stores here (i live in india)...anyway the tank is about a month old and i ve got 3 mollies and 1 gourami. I ve been wanting to add just 2 more fish but this thing about the tank being small worries me. I change water twice a week now and so far the little guys are ok. So shall i get a couple more fish and if so what wud be best suited to my setup ? Thanks

ANSWER: Hi Aditya,

Believe it or not, 10 gallons is actually bigger than the average fish tank, because so many people in the world keep Goldfish and Bettas in (Grr...) BOWLS!

Whether you could add more fish depends on what kind of filter you have. If your filter has an output of 90+ gallons or more, then you could add 2 more fish, like you said. Since you do the frequent water changes, you can keep the extra fish, without having more problems.

Your could add any peaceful freshwater fish:

Zebra Danios
More Mollies
More Gouramis
Corydoras Catfish

You could also add a couple of Apple Snails, instead of fish.

Good Luck, and Happy Fishkeeping!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks Nathan ! but hey i dont have a "filter"....what i do have is the thingy that makes bubbles happen... i dont know if a filter is available at the store but i doubt it since the guy didnt even once recommend it when i was setting up the tank.. anyway is it a problem if i dont have a filter and can i still add a fish or two ? : )

Hi Aditya,

Unfortunately, you cannot add any more fish until you get a filter. All fish need filters. You have been extremely lucky that no fish died. Fish produce waste, which turns into ammonia, and bacteria will form to remove the ammonia - but they need a filter to live in. Without the filter, this means that there's little or no beneficial bacteria in the tank, which will lead to deadly toxin buildup.

I can guarantee 100% that filters are available in India, but you may have to order online, or find a different store, if they don't carry any. Ask the manager, I'm sure they should have some sort of filter.

For a 10 gallon tank, they are only about $20 US dollars.

See this for an example of an excellent filter (I've used it before)

Your bubbly thing is an air pump attached to an air stone. They provide oxygen, not filtration.

I would do a 10% water change every day, until you get a filter, to reduce any concentrations of harmful chemicals.

Good Luck, and Happy Fishkeeping!