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Golden Panchax

25 9:08:01

For the past week my golden panchax appeared to be getting bigger and now just sinks to the bottom of the tank only ever moving when he gets picked on by the nasty one of the tank and when food is present. I've read from your previous helpful emails to people that this sounds like it is to do with his swim bladder? He shares a tank with 4 other fish, should i purchase another tank in order to concentrate on him more? I just need advise really, took these fish on for a friend recently as she moved and really wanted them to be happy. Any advice would be so so appreciated! My friend used to indeed feed them pellets so i have stopped this straight away as it sounds like this is the culprit to this unfortunate occurance. He's such a lovely little fish, i really hope i can help him.

Many Thanks

Mary xxx

Dear Mary,
Thank you very much for your nice comments!
Does your Golden Panchax appear like he cannot control his movements or is he unable to move up at will?
These symptoms could indicate he has swim bladder trouble. This is quite rare in this species but it can always happen and it especially seems to affect those not getting a varied diet. Pellets can cause swim bladder trouble if fed exclusively. Golden Panchaxes do best with a varied and meat-based diet in the form of freeze dried or ideally frozen foods like worms, brine shrimp, tubifex worms, small bite-sized pieces of krill as well as good quality flake food. It is highly unusual for your Golden Panchax to be sitting on the bottom. This is not very normal behavior for this species as they are almost exclusively top-surface dwellers. In my experience it is only when they are very scared or perhaps being bullied by other fish that they will sit on the bottom or hide.

The best way to differentiate between swim bladder trouble and simply being frightened is if your Panchax cannot control his movements or move up from the bottom easily.

The Golden Panchax truly is a lovely fish. But they are shy and you should make sure that he isn't hiding from being bullied. If so, you may be best giving him his own aquarium if you can-- (make sure it is cycled and the water is healthy always) Golden panchax love an aquarium of their own or with tankmates that stay out of their way. They also love a planted aquarium with surface floating plants as well.

I really hope this helps!!
Best wishes,