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White cloud fish wont eat

23 16:35:09

QUESTION:  I just got two white cloud fish home from a pet store but when I tried to feed them they won't eat and always stay still when I come near them. They always stay on the bottom, I'm really worry because this is the second day after I got them. Please help me

ANSWER: Firstly, what are you feeding your white clouds? How big is the tank you have them in? Do you have filtration and aeration in the tank? What other fish are living with them?

Once I know the answer to these questions I will be-able to help you more. Some fish can go up to 10 days without having any food so don't be too worried. A sign that your fish are staying at the bottom could mean that there is not enough oxygen in the water. Are you water conditioning the tank water? Is there any plants in there? Sometimes when there are plants in the tank, it makes the fish much more happy, they also eat the plants, it gives oxygen into the water and helps to keep the nitrate levels down. Make sure once a week to two, that you take about 1/4 to 1/3 of the water out and fill it with fresh de-chlorinated water. Try not to take out all of the water because this throws the balance of good bacteria in the water. You need a good little ecosystem to happen for your fish to be happy.

They might not be hungry if you have only had them for 2 days. Make sure the food is small enough for them to swallow.

If you give me more details I should be-able to help you more.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION:  Hi, I'm keeping them in a bowl, and I feed them flakes food (tropical flake foods). They always eat when the food stay on the bottom. I'm very worry

You will need water conditioner to get rid of chlorine, heavy metals, etc. In your bowls water. The reason why they are staying near the bottom will be because they are starving for air. In a bowl there isn't a very large surface area, therefor not a lot of air. You may need to think about buying a pump and a small filter with filters the water and puts some more air into the water. An air stone is also a good idea as well. Live plants should help as well.

Your fish will only eat an amount of food the size of their EYE once a day. This is only a small amount of food so they aren't going to eat much at all.

You way even want to think about getting a bigger tank and maybe even keeping other fish with them. You will find they will be more happy then.